3rd grade biography project ideas
Wow! I am just so impressed with my kiddos biography projects this year. They were so engaged throughout this process- many of them completed much of their project at home.
Our unit began by studying the biographies of several famous historical people all together. We studied Helen Keller, Amelia Earhart, Neil Armstrong, Ruby Bridges, Jesse Owens, and many other noteworthy people.
We covered comparisons, asking questions, main idea, comparing main ideas, and sequencing.
After 2 weeks of practicing, my students were ready to try closely reading a biography on their own.
Biography projects Figuring out what to do in the first week of school can be tough! These activities are ones I’ve done in the past to help get you started. While my examples may be in French, you can certainly do these activities in English. I have provided some English versions where possible.Each student chose a book from the Who Was biography series. (If you have never seen these biographies, check them out! They are absolutely perfect for 3rd grade, and the kids LOVE them!) Finally, the students were asked to complete a final project.
We just finished all 24 presentations today and, boy, were they phenomenal!
French biography project ideas for third grade data and bar graph Try a French project with your beginners that is easy to grade, or if you plan to do a project with more advanced classes, remember that there will be more writing, so it can take longer to grade. Here is my favorite beginner project, and the grading is oh-so-easy!.Not only did EVERY student talk clearly in complete sentences, but they were also able to answer questions with details and added explanations. I think I could have cried- I was so proud of them. A celebration is in order tomorrow!
Take a sneak peak at some of their brilliant presentations:
The above activities as well as descriptions of 6 final project options are available on TPT.
And, for the remainder of today and all of tomorrow the 3rd Grade Biography Unit is on sale! $ will get you:
Sample 3-week plan
Worksheets and activities for an entire unit
11 classroom strategy posters
6 final projects
and a
Final Project Rubric
This unit was created as a framework. It is meant to be used with materials and resources of your choice.
All activities and worksheets could be used with short, one page biographies, or it could be used with a book study.
I cannot wait until next year's projects!