Michelman revenue

Michelman biography books

Frank I. Michelman is Robert Walmsley University Professor, Emeritus, Harvard University, where he has taught since

Frank Michelman

American legal scholar (born )

Frank Isaac Michelman (born May 26, )[2] is an American legal scholar and the Robert Walmsley University Professor Emeritus at Harvard Law School.

Education and career

In , Michelman graduated from Harvard Law School.

He clerked for Justice William Brennan of the U.S. Supreme Court during the Term.[3] In , he joined the Harvard Law School faculty.


Michelman wrote the influential law review article, "Property, Utility and Fairness", (80 Harv. L. Rev. ()) on the economic reasons for just compensation in the 5th AmendmentTakings Clause in the United States Constitution.

Michelman biography Frank I. Michelman is Robert Walmsley University Professor, Emeritus, Harvard University, where he has taught since He is the author of Brennan and Democracy (), Legitimation by Constitution, (, with Alessandro Ferrara), and Constitutional Essentials: On the Constitutional Theory of Political Liberalism () and has published widely in the fields of constitutional law and.

This article was cited by the majority in its opinion in Penn Central v. New York City, the Supreme Court case that dealt with the authority of a local New York City landmark law that forbade the railroad company from putting up a skyscraper above the historic Grand Central Terminal structure. Michelman's analysis relied on evaluating whether the nuisance costs and value to society were worth it.

He observed that while the courts did not always provide rulings which were fair or provided utility, they provided as perfect a result that can be obtained by the courts.

Michelman biography examples Michelman served as vice-president of the American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy – and as its president, – Michelman was the first recipient of the College of William and Mary's Brigham–Kanner Property Rights Prize in [5].

He observed that administrative agencies and legislatures were shirking their roles in the compensation process.

He retired from the university professorship in , and in February Cass Sunstein was appointed by Harvard University's president, Drew Gilpin Faust, to succeed him.[4]

Honors and awards

Michelman served as vice-president of the American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy – and as its president, –

Michelman was the first recipient of the College of William and Mary's Brigham–Kanner Property Rights Prize in [5] The Prize is awarded annually to an individual whose work contributes to furthering the cause of private property rights.

He was selected for the award largely due to his article, "Property, Utility, and Fairness: Comments on the Ethical Foundations of 'Just Compensation' Law", 80 Har.L. Rev. ().

In he won the American Philosophical Society's Henry M. Phillips Prize, which he was awarded at a November ceremony in Philadelphia.

Michelman biography wikipedia Frank I. Michelman is Robert Walmsley University Professor, Harvard University, where he has taught since He is the author of Brennan and Democracy (), and has published widely in the fields of constitutional law and theory, comparative constitutionalism, South African constitutionalism, property law and theory, local government law, and general legal theory.

As of , the prize has been given only twenty-six times since it was established in , and honored Michelman's significant contributions to the field of jurisprudence.[1][6]

In October , Frank Michelman was a Distinguished Visitor at the American Academy in Berlin, Germany.[7]


  • Michelman, Frank I.

    "Unenumerated Rights Under Popular Constitutionalism," 9 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law ().

  • Michelman, Frank I. "Reflection," 82 Texas Law Review ().
  • Michelman, Frank I. "The Constitution, Social Rights, and Liberal Political Justification," 1 International Journal of Constitutional Law 13 ().
  • Michelman, Frank I.

    "The Bill of Rights, The Common Law, and The Freedom-Friendly State," 58 Miami Law Review ().

  • Michelman, Frank I. "The Problem of Constitutional Interpretive Disagreement: Can Discourses of Application Help?" in Habermas and Pragmatism (M. Aboulafia, M. Bookman & C. Kemps eds., ). (This paper has been republished in Chinese, in the "Practical Philosophy Series," volume Civic Republicanism)
  • Michelman, Frank I.

    "Morality, Identity, and 'Constitutional Patriotism'," 76 Denver University Law Review ().

  • Michelman, Frank I. Brennan and Democracy (Princeton University Press ).
  • Michelman, Frank I. "The Subject of Liberalism," 46 Stanford Law Review () (reviewing John Rawls, Columbia Univ. Press, Political Liberalism ()).
  • Michelman, Frank I.

    "Takings, ," 88 Columbia Law Review ().

  • Michelman, Frank I. "Ethics, Economics, and the Law of Property" in Ethics, Economics, and the Law (NOMOS series - 24) (J. Roland Pennock & John W. Chapman eds., New York University Press, ).
  • Michelman, Frank I. "Property, Utility and Fairness: Comments on the Ethical Foundations of 'Just Compensation' Law" Vol.

    (80)6, April, Harvard Law Review, pp.&#;–

See also


External links